Running with a cold: Will it do more harm than good?

Colds are an annoying interruption to your training and the temptation is often to run anyway. Find out when it is safe to run with a cold, when to take a day off and how...

Spartan, Obstacle Racing or Tough Mudder training: How to get fit for the mud!

No clue where to start? As the official nutrition for the OCR World Championships, we help you learn first-hand from OCR pros and give you all you need to know about how to be ready for...

Cyclocross – What is it and how to get started

Cyclo-cross is a fast paced race taking place over multiple laps of a short, mixed-terrain course featuring natural and man-made obstacles. Technical challenges such as sand, mud, steep slopes and boards are interspersed with sections...

Winter cycling: 15 essential tips to keep you safe & motivated

Rain, snow & dark nights can be daunting at times... the weather and seasonal motivation tend to put the dampeners on getting out there. But that doesn’t mean that you should hang up your bike just yet! Here's how...

Hitting the runner’s wall – What it means & how you prevent it

Hitting the wall is every runner’s nightmare. Find out what exactly ‘the wall’ is and how you can learn to overcome its' physical and mental challenges, not only for daily exercise but for big events...

'Runners' Trots' - Top tips to prevent & treat it

Over the next few blog posts we're going to be looking at some of the more gnarly and hard to deal with issues that so many active people experience on a daily basis... from 'stomach cramps' to 'runners'...

What to eat before, during & after race day

Don’t waste hard won fitness by taking inadequate nutrition on race day. We spoke with elite pros Sam Andrews of Clash Racing, Jonny Revis of ZeroBC race team and elite cyclist Joe Fisher to help...

How to avoid bonking whilst cycling with natural energy foods

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

The truth about sugar: Why is it important for athletes?

Say the word ‘sugar’ and it conjures up some common themes; there is a perception that sugar is bad for us, that it contributes to weight gain and increases risk factors for health issues such...